A Cat’s 9 Loves

not including a brown paper bag


9 Essentials to Keep Cats Healthy, Happy, and Purring

It’s something of a secret that Dolittle’s has fantastic products for cats. We love cats every bit as much as we love dogs. It just so happens that a whole world of cat products can fit in an itty bitty sales space. Allow us to point out some kitty approved favorites from the kitty corner.

9 - Ball Toys
You know you are a good cat owner when you move your couch and find a cache of kitty ball toys. At Dolittle’s we can help restock your cat ball supply with every imaginable ball for cats. We have some that jingle, some that flash. We have shiny balls that crinkle and others that sparkle. Foam balls, wool balls, plastic balls, and even cork balls are among our regular selection of cat toys. You could even start your cat on your own ball of the month club.

8 - Interactive Toys
We know that cats cannot live by ball toys alone. That’s why we have several upgrade options. Our very best is the kitty fishing pole. It’s interactive fun for the whole family. The good news is that it’s unlikely that you will lose one of these under the couch. Also, it’s great exercise for your not so active cat.


7 - Catnip
Do not waste your time or money on grocery store or big box catnip. That stuff is mostly old stems and boring. Dolittle’s catnip is known in the Charleston cat community. You may have even heard your cat ask for it. They call it: “meow.” See, all this time you thought they were just being vocal. No, they were requesting Dolittle’s catnip. Stop by today for some fresh high octane herb your cat will thank you. Their lunacy will be your reward.

6 - Zoom Groom
Elevator butt alert. Cats love to raise their rears to the soft scratching of a Zoom Groom. This tool is hands down the best way to brush your cat. It’s super soft and will collect the loose hair like a magnet. In no time you could have a handy collection of cat fur. We’re saving ours to create a boiled wool creation. We are kidding of course, that’s gross.


5 - Collar and Bell
For nearly 25 years we have sold one cat collar, the Beastie Band. It’s everything we want in a cat collar. It’s soft and lightweight so cats don’t even know they are wearing one. The closure is velcro and the collar can be cut so they fit any size kitty. As a bonus there is a metal hole for the all important bell or tag. Oh and they come in some crazy patterns, a few even glow in the dark. Our bells are just as fun and pair well with Beastie Bands.


4 - Litter
We need to talk. That clumping clay litter you love so much? It’s bad. Each year over 2 million tons of sodium bentonite is strip mined in the US. That is the clay used in clumping litter and it’s not a renewable resource. The good news is that Dolittle’s sells the World’s Best cat litter. This litter is made from corn (renewable) and clumps like clay. The odor control is great and it’s even flushable. It’s low tracking so there is less on your cat’s paws and it’s safe if ingested. Make the switch from clay and save the planet! Your cat will appreciate the difference.

3 - Litter Scoop
For years we went to the pet trade show there was this wildly friendly fellow who insisted that we try his litter scoop. You are probably thinking, as we were, “what could be so great about a litter scoop?” So we kindly moved along. Then one year we decided to check it out. WOW! We instantly regretted not trying it sooner. It is sturdy. Litter sifts through it cleanly and never sticks. If you are a regular litter box cleaner then you know what we are talking about. The Litter Lifter is the best we have ever found. Now it’s the only one we sell.


2 - Treats
Cats are picky. That is true. Knowing this Dolittle’s focuses on the irresistible. We’re talking freeze dried arctic minnows, seafood purees, meaty little cubes, flaked tuna and more. We have seen first hand that picky cats get wide-eyed and grabby for our treats.

1 - Wet Food
Dry food is not where it’s at for a cat. Your cat is an obligate carnivore. Meat is essential in their diet. Dry food does not have enough of it. Feed your cat canned wet food, or rehydrated freeze dried food, or raw food. They are the best opportunities to get real meat in them. Not only that but these other foods are rich with moisture (you need to add it to the freeze dried foods). Cat bodies are a whopping 80% water, humans around 60%. Maintaining the moisture balance is more easily accomplished by feeding food rich with water. Sure they’ll drink some but not enough. Which leads us to . . .

BONUS - Water
Water. Your cat should drink about 1oz per 1 pound of body weight per day. Feeding wet foods can reduce the need for water but water is so vital to their health. Water will keep your cat’s system functioning at it’s best. Think: fewer liver, bladder, kidney stone troubles. Many of these troubles are simply the result of dehydration. It is speculated that cats like moving water over still water. You may have noticed your cat heading to a sink or a bath tub for water. The moving water could be the reason. A simple fountain can help increase your cat's water intake. Adequate water in the system can help reduce the risk of kidney and bladder troubles. Not to mention better skin and coat. Start today!
